Dip & Root is a liquid growth-regulating hormone concentration, used to stimulate fast and prolific rooting of plant cuttings. Dip & Root contains 2 different hormones; one to enhance the rooting of the plant cutting and the other to promote vegetative growth. Put simply, the cutting is pushed from the bottom and pulled from the top to promote maximum growth.
✓ Environmentally and user friendly | easy to use | non-hazardous
✓ Made with top rated ingredients
✓ Has a sterilisation component, resulting in preventing fungus damaging the cutting
✓ Induces prolific and better rooting on all difficult plant cuttings
✓ Widely tested, over a period of many years with outstanding results
✓ Locally manufactured, making it a proudly South African product.
This highly effective root stimulating liquid hormone concentration contains the following active ingredients:
Indole-3- Butyric Acid (IBA)
Napthyl Acetic Acid (NAA)
Softwood cuttings: For easy-to-root plant cuttings mix one part Dip&Root with 20 parts water.
Semi-hardwood cuttings: For most plant cuttings mix one part Dip&Root with 10 parts water.
Hardwood cuttings: For cuttings that are difficult to root mix one part Dip&Root with 5 parts water.
"We started using your Dip & Root rooting stimulant and so far have excellent results. Your price is also very competitive. Hope we can do a lot of business in the future." – Leon Scholtz (Bristle Cone Nursery)
"Hereby and indication of the results we reached with using Dip & Root on Plumbago capensis, blue. We never could get a striking rate of more than 30% on Plumbago. With the Dip & Root, we obtained a 90% rooting, which is excellent." – Johan Retief (Malmesbury Nursery)
"Trials with Dip & Root were executed at our Abercomnie Forestry Nursery of the Ministry of Agriculture, to evaluate the effect of Dip & Root, for the propagation of ornamental cuttings. The results obtained, have shown that Dip & Root gave a higher take in cuttings such as Laurel, Ficus and Bougainvillea as compared to the control traditional rooting hormone, used at the nursery." – Mrs. I Rama (Agricultural Research and Extension Unit – Mauritius Dept. of Agriculture)